
Share your energy!

As a fitness instructor, I know that I have to come in every single day with twice the energy of my participants. They pick up on my energy and I have to have extra to share with them.

When Amy has a “regular person” come in to the radio station to record an ad, she coaches them to stand up tall, wave their arms, and exclaim, “It’s the biggest sale of the year!”

When you are on camera, on air, or leading a group in person, jacking up your energy level may seem a bit silly. Nobody can even see you, why are you waving your arms about and speaking with so much enthusiasm?

What seems silly to you will come across as exciting, energizing, and engaging to your audience.

What feels over the top in the comfort of your home office will look friendly and interesting on Zoom.

Try these this week and see how it makes you feel, and more importantly, see how your audience (team call, coaching client, customer) responds.

  • Before you answer the phone, take a deep breath and smile BIG

  • On Zoom, raise both hands into camera view and make a big gesture to emphasize your key point.

  • Raise your voice to make a key point. Don’t yell, but make it noticeable.

  • Stand up at your desk (instead of seated) for a video call.

  • Before your call starts, do ten jumping jacks. Honestly, do it!

You have fantastic energy and a great story to tell.

Let your energy come through and make yourself heard loud and clear!